| What's in our October 2019 issue: Notes from the Field -September Trip Report; Winning Awards and Going the Extra Mile; Meet P4P Volunteer Paula Rucker; Oh, the Treasures You Will Find at P4P's Into Africa Auction! | | | | The most difficult thing is to act, the rest is merely tenacity. ~ Amelia Earhart Notes from the Field - September Service Team Trip Report By Nereah Obura, P4P Kenya Program Coordinator Dear P4P Friend, September was marked with the trip team coming to Kopanga. A team of nine travelers came to Migori on Sunday evening, September 15. The team was led by Patti Krafft in country, who handled all pre-trip arrangements, and led in Kenya by Mary Sobralske. Volunteers included Brandon Robinson, David Buckholz, Chuck Morrison, Giana Luchetti, Lynn Morison, Sami Wood, Courtney Boles and Angie Smith. They stayed at the Maranatha Faith Assemblies Guest House in Migori and took daily trips to Kopanga/ Giribe. Frate Tours drivers, Daniel and Clement, handled their transportation. | | | The medical providers worked at the clinic most of the week except for Tuesday when they conducted a remote clinic for patients who did not have transportation or lived too far to walk to Migori for treatment. Those team members who did not do medical care supported various economic empowerment, water and education projects. A total of 536 patients had been treated by Friday noon. On the busiest day, providers treated 145 people. Many kinds of ailments were treated. What captured my attention was the number of people who had eye, joint, back problems and recurring scabies. | | | Health education was conducted daily, and enamel varnish was applied to children at the clinic and at Lorena Special School for the Deaf. P4P team members Sami and Courtney joined Brenda and Anita from Bomet Days for Girls enterprise to distributed 35 Days for Girls kits at Boya Primary. The school and the girls were very happy to receive them. We hope that these kits enable them to attend classes without missing any school due to their periods. | | | Mary, Sami, Courtney and I visited Lorena School for the Deaf. It was so humbling to meet eight children whose education would have been forgotten without this school. This school was founded by Faith, Robert Ogada’s wife, and was named after Mary Sobralske’s mum. Mary values the school a great deal, and she donated books and pens in addition to doing clinical assessment of all the students. I noted that the Lorena School has only one 5,000-liter (about 1,320 gallon) water tank which cannot adequately serve the children. During the dry season, they are forced to get water from other sources and even at the time of the visit, the tank was dry. | | | The Magongo Ribe deputy principal, Mr. Bernard, welcomed us to the school where David, Sami, Courtney, along with Madam Victorine, instructed form one and form two students on testing procedures. They were given water sample collection bags to enable them bring samples from home for testing. Most of the water tested at the school was free of e-coli, which is good news. | | | | | | | | Winning Awards and Going the Extra Miles | | Earlier this month, the Spokesman Review ran a series of articles about women in our region who are making a difference in business, leadership, education, health and nonprofits. We’re very proud that two P4P women received this distinction. P4P Executive Director Dia Maurer was recognized for her leadership skills, long-time work in nonprofits and her contributions to the growth of P4P. | | | | Jordan Stevenson, an Eastern Washington University student studying international affairs, was lauded for her volunteer activities (including serving on P4P’s Education and Auction committees) and work with the Human Rights Education Institute, United Nations Development Program, Planned Parenthood Global and others. | | | | Another P4P volunteer accomplished something truly amazing. Last summer, P4P Board member and volunteer Eileen Dugger cycled 3,000 miles across the United States. She’s an avid cyclist and has completed the 200-mile Seattle to Portland (STP) race many times. However, crossing the U.S. was on her bucket list. Husband Cliff drove a support vehicle carrying food, gear and a second bicycle. Eileen pedaled 60- 70-miles a day over major mountain ranges including the Cascades, Glacier, the Continental Divide and the Appalachians, through expanses of prairie, countryside and farmland, through nearly every possible weather condition. “Life is short,” Eileen says. “If something is important to you, make the time and go get it done.” | |  | | | | | Dessert Dash Volunteer Won’t Miss a Beat at Into Africa Auction By Renée Sande | | Expect to be wowed at this year’s Into Africa, P4P's annual auction event. Paula Rucker is putting the petal-to-the-metal by procuring and making sweet rewards at one of the auction’s favorite events, the coveted Dessert Dash. A school bus driver for 25 years, Paula was invited to last year’s auction and when asked if she could help at the next auction, jumped at the chance to be a part of the magic each year brings. “I respect the people who put their hearts and souls into helping others and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the Board members and other volunteers involved,” said Paula. Not a stranger to traveling to a culture a world away, Paula feels blessed to have been able to visit Brunei, a tiny country on the island of Borneo, with her husband and young children to visit her sister and family. Paula says she’s very interested in serving on a P4P trip to Kenya. | | | | Originally from Wonder Lake, Illinois, Paula moved to California then Rathdrum, Idaho, where she has lived for the past three decades. Paula and her hardworking husband Jay just celebrated their 30-year anniversary. Paula looks forward to every winter when her whole family – including nieces and nephews -- converge in Kalispell for a week of snow skiing, sledding, card games and good times together. | | | | “With my amazing daughter, Kari, 29, son-in-law, Kurtis, and my strong and caring 27-year-old son, Jonathan, my heart is full,” Paula says. “I absolutely love spending time with my family!” When not spending quality time with family, Paula loves kayaking, sewing, making cards, painting barn wood signs, gardening and snowshoeing. | |  | | | | | | Oh, The Treasures You Will Find at Into Africa Auction! The Auction Committee has rounded up an amazing array of items for you to bid on at our November 2 event. Getaways? Food? Wine? Outdoor adventure? Overflowing baskets? African jewelry and antiques? Artsy classes? We’ve got them all. Here’s a sampling: What are you craving? - Bid on two tickets to one of CRAVE! Northwest’s spectacular events. This three-day food extravaganza includes a variety of themed nights where 15 national and regional award-winning chefs prepare an array of specialties for walk-around tasting. Beer, wine and craft cocktails are included. The event runs July 16 – 19, 2020. | |  | Where’s the beef? - Holman Ranches is a small, family owned cattle ranch in Idaho. Cattle are raised on range land nestled between the breaks of the majestic Salmon River and the mountain ranges of Central Idaho. The Holman family takes pride in their operation and the quality beef that they produce. No growth hormones are used, and cattle are fattened on quality hay and grain. Package includes: two ¾ inch choice T-bone steaks, two ¾ inch choice rib eye steaks, two ¾ inch choice sirloin steaks, and five one-pound packages of lean ground beef. | |  | See that tower of wine? - Don’t miss buying a raffle ticket for the WINE TREE. P4P volunteers Cally and Justin, all decked out in African-style clothing, will be wandering the auction selling raffle tickets for $20 each. Buy one, or as many as you’d like, and you could be the lucky winner of the entire wine assortment. Plus, you’ll get one of these invaluable blinky rings for every raffle ticket you purchase. | |  | Hope to see you at Into Africa Auction, November 2, 5:30 PM at the Mirabeau Park Hotel. Don’t have your tickets yet? They have been selling fast, but we still have a few left, and that’s the honest truth, not an advertising come-on. Go to http://partneringforprogress.org/into-africa-auction or call 509-720-8408 TODAY. Tickets are $75 per person. All proceeds benefit P4P’s work in Kenya. | | | |  | | | Contact Us Partnering for Progress P.O. Box 28191 Spokane, Washington 99228 (509)720-8408 info@partneringforprogress.org | | | | | | | |